Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Random Internet Idea 2

I've seen a lot of serious fake trailers for movies people want made, with a cast that actually would fit correctly.  However, I have one that would just be hilarious as a movie.  I can see it now...that awesome announcer voice comes on and...

"In a world, where war rages on.  Where battles are won by men and machines.  One man is sent in to prevent nuclear disaster.  On a box."

Solid Snake: Colonel...I've found a box.

Colonel: can use it to...

Solid Snake: It's so lovely...I think it loves me to.

"With Pauli Shore as Colonel Roy Cambell..."

Colonel: Nu-uh...I'M THE WEASEL!

"...Gabriel Inglesias as Otacon..."

Otacon: Dude...this is just like one of my Japanese Animes...

"Danny Devito as Liquid Snake."

Liquid: SNAKE!

"Nicolas Cage is..."

Snake: Metal Gear


Basically, I'd love to see a trailer where we take some the characteristics these actors are known for, and throw them in with the idea of Metal Gear Solid.  Get Arnold Scharzenegger to play Vulcan Raven, Keanu Reeves gets to play as Grey Fox, and throw Morgan Freeman in as the DARPA Chief.  I'd love to see Jessica Alba play Sniper Wolf, Amy Schumer play Meryl, Jim Carrey play Psycho Mantis, and Chris Rock play Revolver Ocelot.  Why those people?  Some because I could just see them taking the role and having fun with it, and others because they absolutely would not fit the role at all, so even if they tried to take it serious, it'd be hilarious.  Get the whole thing co-directed by Quentin Tarantino and Michael Bay, and you have gold.

Also, the voice of Metal Gear is done by Mike Tyson. ^.^

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